Site Credits

A list of people who have contributed to Marble Mania Zone directly


pronouns: she/her

Hey, my name is Nova. I'm the one who started this project, and I'm the one who writes most of the text.

Pretty wild to me that I'm actually doing this, honestly. This was always kind of a "this would be really cool if I could actually do it" kind of thing, so, despite everything, I'm quite proud of myself (ignore the fact that im writing this before ive added a single reference, no one has to know about that).

Regardless, I hope you enjoy your stay here at Marble Mania Zone. At least, I hope you enjoy reading through it as much as I enjoyed making it.

Lilith Coven

pronouns: she/her

Lilith was a big help in motivating me to do this. Without her, I probably wouldn't have bothered. She's pretty cool :D

As for a short word from her herself,

"I've been a lifelong Sonic fan since I got Sonic 2 as my very first game waaaaay back in 1992. I adore all the little references left in Sonic games over the years and am more than glad to help with this project!"


pronouns: she/her/puppy

official cheerleader

Inspiration Credits

Projects that we took inspiration from when making Marble Mania Zone, and the people who worked on those

Dreamcastify Project

The Dreamcastify Project was our biggest inspiration. For those who don't know, it's a blog that attempts to document the differences between Sonic Adventure ports, created by the legendary PkR with help from Sonikko, Speeps, KGL, and spookmeman (editor note: add hyperlinks to these peoples socials).

Marble Mania Zone borrows a lot of the formatting from this site, and this idea probably wouldn't have come to my mind if I didn't know about it. It's also a really good read, so you should absolutely check it out.

Game Credits

Of course, we can't forget about the folks that made the Sonic series.

lorem ipsum whatever, ill add this later

Other Credits

Stuff that we feel we should credit that doesn't fit into any of the above categories

Sadgrl's Layout Builder

The base of Marble Mania Zone was from this amazing layout builder by the incredibly talented Sadgrl. I knew absolutely nothing about HTML or CSS before this, and her layout builder and guides were a huge help in figuring things out.

The Cutting Room Floor

The Cutting Room Floor is a website dedicated to documenting unused and unseen content in video games that was a great help in researching just that for the Sonic series. We also stole some screenshots and videos from them, but you didn't hear that from me.


All the sprites related to Marble Zone for the footer and bottom background were made by DeviantArt user Alex13Art. A link to the sprites themselves can be found here.