Studiopolis Zone

Act 1

The lamps!!!

Here we are. The thing that inspired this entire project. In case you didn't read the first page on this site, here's the exact same information:

Starting from the very beginning of the zone, you can see these lamps with these rotating things in them (I still don't know what to really call them besides UFOs. Oh well):

These are a reference to these UFOs seen in the background of Marble Zone in the Sonic 1 prototype:

That's all there really is to it, actually. Just a fun little visual reference.

studiopolis lamps my beloved

Hornet Car!!

The iconic Hornet stock car was the default car in seminal Sega hit, Daytona USA. Here, it's reborn as a cute little A/V van to teleport Sonic.

todo: add images

Act 2

The freaking sun itself

The sun symbol that precedes the Weather Globe's high temperature attack is a nod to a similar emblem used in Sega Genesis instruction booklets, warning users not to leave games or consoles in direct sunlight- who would do such a thing??

todo: add images

The Tone

Left in as a reference to the disastrous Sega Sonic 25th Anniversary livestream from July 22, 2016, after beating the Weather Globe a solid tone plays over the end level music, into the transition to Flying Battery Zone. The devs even left a cheeky nod as the test card is labeled 072216 at the lower right.

todo: add image, video of the stream, and video of the game